There is one place in the world Carey O'Neal does not want to be. One city, one neighborhood, she swore she would never step foot in again. There is nothing in Ruskin Heights for Carey – nothing but embarrassment and heartache. She vowed 20 years earlier to stay away, but here she is, caring for her ailing mother and selling real estate for her closest childhood friend.

Carey cannot look around the neighborhood without seeing ghosts of her past, without trying to outrun the young girl she was when she left this place. She hates it; hates all of the feelings the old neighborhood churns up.

When former residents of Ruskin Heights begin to appear to her, Carey is certain that she is going mad. Her new friends are dead – each and every one – and they insist on becoming part of Carey’s new life in the neighborhood.

Carey must decide whether to leave again for good, or to stay and face the ghosts of Ruskin Heights.