Hello, and welcome to my site

This is the place where I’ll be announcing new releases, telling you about books already available, and hopefully, hearing your thoughts on what I’ve written.

I need you to know this one thing: releasing a novel is a lot like getting naked and dancing on a table. There’s not a whole lot a writer can hide if she creates honest-to-goodness characters. For me, the writing process involves becoming so caught up in the story that I feel as though it’s telling itself. It is only later, when other people begin to read it, that I am mortified by the behavior of particular characters.

Yes, it’s just that weird.

Ray Bradbury once said, “First, find out what your hero wants, then just follow him!” And that’s what I do. I figure out who the protagonists are, what they wish for, and then pretty much go along for the ride. I have never written a book that didn’t surprise me. In fact, I’ve been downright shocked by some of the places characters have gone and things they have done. As odd as it sounds, I’ve even been surprised by a number of murderers in my books. I go in believing that one person “did the deed,” but then lose control as the story and characters lead me to an entirely different culprit.

I write because the stories in my head need a place to live. I wish that I was passionate about something else, like splitting the atom or leading tours into Sub-Saharan Africa. I’m not. The only career in this world that gives me butterflies is writing.

Again, welcome to my site. I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’ve stopped by. Stick around, see if there’s anything that interests you, and feel free to join me as I discover what the next set of characters are going to get themselves into!

- Dana